Monday, May 12, 2008

Bin Sahra - Son of the desert

I've never seen snow. But I love oceans of burning sand more, with wave like dunes. Ever since my first visit to a desert, I've been in love.

...more to come...

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Red, White and Blue




It was the first day of school and a new student named Chandrashekhar Subrahmanyam entered the fourth grade.

The teacher said, "Let's begin by reviewing some American History, Who said "Give me Liberty, or give me Death"? She saw a sea of blank faces, except for Chandrashekhar, who had his hand up: "Patrick Henry, 1775" he said. "Very good!"

Who said " Government of the People, by the People, for the People, shall not perish from the Earth?"

Again, there was no response from the class.

"Abraham Lincoln, 1863" said Chandrashekhar.

The teacher snapped at the class, "Class, you should be ashamed. Chandrashekhar, who is new to our country, knows more about its history than you do."

She heard a loud whisper: "F**k the Indians,"

"Who said that?" she demanded.

Chandrashekhar put his hand up. "General Custer, 1862."

At that point, a student in the back said, "I'm going to puke."

The teacher glares around and asks "All right! Now, who said that?"

Again, Chandrashekhar says, "George Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991." (Broccoli incident, as far as I remember )

Now furious, another student yells, "Oh yeah? S*ck this!"

Chandrashekhar jumps out of his chair waving his hand and shouts to the teacher, "Bill Clinton, to Monica Lewinsky, 1997!"

Now with almost mob hysteria someone said "You little shit. If you say anything else, I'll kill you."

Chandrashekhar frantically yells at the top of his voice, "Gary Condit to Chandra Levy, 2001."

The teacher fainted. And as the class gathered around the teacher on the floor, someone said, "Oh shit, we're f**ked!"

And Chandrashekhar said quietly, "George Bush, Iraq, 2005."

Priceless - what kind of a fart are you ?

Corresponding to the date of your birth.

1-AMBITIOUS - Always ready for a fart.

2-LAZY - Just fizzles

3-AMIABLE - Likes to smell others farts

4-SELFISH - Only enjoys smelling own farts

5-CARELESS - Farts in church

6-SMART ALEC - Farts when ladies are present.

7-CLEVER - Farts and coughs at same time

8-SCIENTIFIC - Bottles own farts

9-STINGY - Belches instead of farting to save a*****e

10-FOOLISH - Farts and laughs.

11-SHY - Blushes even when farts silently.

12-CONCEITED - Thinks they can fart loudest.

13-UNLUCKY - Tries to fart and shits pants.

14- TIMID - Jumps when farting.

15-BEWILDERED - can't tell own farts from others.

16-SLOVENLY - Farts and fizzles, rots pants.

17-NERVOUS - Stops in middle of fart.

18-MISERABLE - Can't fart

19-CONFUSED - Face looks so much like ass, Farts don't know where to go.

20-GROUCH - Grumbles when ladies fart.

21-SNEAKY - Farts and blames it on the dog.

22-DISAPPOINTED - Their farts don't stink.

23-FRESH GUY - Jumps in front of you and farts.

24-BIG BULLY - Farts louder than everyone else.

25-DELUDED - Enjoys all farts thinking they are their own.

26-CUTE - Discovers from farts what others have eaten.

27-WISE - Farts and say's "Who in hell shit ??"

28-DAMNED MEAN - Farts in bed and pulls covers over wife's head.

29-MUSICAL - Tenor or bass Clear as a bell Smells like shit Sounds like hell.

30-HONEST - Farts and blames in on the hostess.

31-LIVELY - Jumps in air, farts three times, kicks like hell simultaneously.

FYI I was born on the 30th
Are women really getting prettier or is it just me ? I mean on the Metro, at malls, shops, marketplaces, other cities in India and abroad, everywhere... a change is apparent. Although their taste can be debated, there seems to be a heightened consciousness among them about the way they look. So is it a phenomenon I'm experiencing ? It's kinda sweet too... I mean before you feminists out there start men bashing ( and bashing me ) , we CAN appreciate beauty without sexual overtones, although we are biologically programmed like that.

And seriously, awesome women can make me feel like a lost puppy.


.... like that...
Ever wondered why some characters in a movie aren't just there in the sequel ? The hard won girlfriend, the old enemies ( unless they're like ... annihilated ) , the hero's old car. Inevitably he will have moved to another city, and will have new friend circles etc. It's so weird.